1. What is an IP Address? What is it’s main function?
• The Internet Protocol (IP) is the unique number which any computer is assigned when connected to the internet. This number may be public or private but functions as the communication language or protocol of the internet.
2. What is Web 2.0, how does it differ from 1.0?
• Web 2.0 is the network applications in which users are able to contribute to the content allowing interactive use of the application. This allows users to participate through adding any data as opposed to Web 1.0 in which users are limited to passive viewing of the information. The difference refers to the way in which the web is used in an economic, social and technological sense. Some examples of Web 2.0 applications include social networking sites, blogs and video network sharing devices.
3. What is Web 3.0?
• Web 3.0 uses the concept of tagging to build personal information, creating an intelligence transforming the web into a database. Semantic web involves using software agents to scan, interpret and automatically organise information to learn about users specific interests and further make recommendations. The web 3.0 is largely a theory and not a reality however involves evolution towards 3D, and evolutionary path to artificial intelligence and realisation of semantic web and service orientated architecture.
4. Describe the different methods an organisation can use to access information.
• Intranet-information or software is shared only within an organisation to provide information such as benefits, entitlements, schedules, strategic directions and employee directories.
• Extranet-an intranet that is also available to a wider audience such as customers, suppliers and partners. This is more common and organisations have a realisation of the benefits of incorporating other individuals in the shared information.
• Portal-website which offers access to a number of sources including email, discussion groups, search engines and online shopping malls. There is both general portals such as Google and Netscape as well as niche portals which offer access to resources of a specific interest.
• Kiosk-computer system which provides online access for public use, the system runs in a full screen mode with easily accessible navigation.
5. What is eBusiness, how does it differ from eCommerce?
• Ebusiness refers to utilizing of information and communication technology when conducting business activities. With ebusiness the internet is employed for electronic business and not only through buying and selling, but serving customers and collaborating with business partners. Ebusiness differs from ecommerce which is limited only to online transactions, the buying and selling of good online rather than entire business operations which constitutes ebusines.
6. List and describe the various eBusiness models? (Hint: B2B)
• B2B (Business to Business)- refers to the transaction between businesses, this relationship is more complex and requires higher security needs.
• B2C (Business to consumer)-refers to business transactions conducted over the internet from business to consumer. Through an online store customers can access services at any hour of the day.
• C2B (Consumer to Business)-refers to the transactions conducted over the internet in which a consumer sells a product or service to a business.
• C2C (Consumer to Consumer)-refers to a site which assists in consumers interacting with each other via email, discussion forums or chat rooms.
7. List 3 metrics would you use if you were hired to assess the effectiveness and the efficiency of an eBusiness web site?
• Cookies- file contained on a web site to record information about the customer and their use of the web.
• Click-through-records the number of people who view the site and further lick any advertisement within the page. This form is not always useful in that it does not ensure the viewer was positively affected by the advertisement.
• Banner ad-advertises the products or services of the business and can record how many customers click on the banner leading them to the website.
8. Outline 2 opportunities and 2 challenges faced by companies doing business online?
• With the internet provides the opportunity for Business’s to rapidly expand and possibly even extend to a global market. The internet provides a connection to consumers throughout the globe rather than just the limited local market who can access the business. There is also the opportunity to increase the local market through the ability for users to access products and services at all hours of the day. The business has the ability to become more efficient for users with limited time.
Some stastistics on the number of internet useds word wide.
Some stastistics on the number of internet useds word wide.
• The opportunity to maintain and build a loyal customer base through an inexpensive way to constantly alert new developments to the business. Through a website and email, a business can keep customers aware of the development in the business keeping them interested and satisfied. By including a link on a website the company can promote the business in an exciting and eye catching manner through use of technology.
• To maintain the security of the business and also the customers providing financial details when purchasing services or products. The company must overcome the challenge of ensuring customers trust the internet or they will be limited in the success. Without comprising efficiency or flexibility the business needs to safeguard against misuse of their own and customer information.
• Companies must manage the already strategic use of IT in their business to incorporate these systems into the ebusiness whilst ensuring not to comprise the overall performance and reliability of the business. The challenge for the company is too incorporate marketing, order management, billing, inventory, distribution and customer service into the internet business in a functional manner. Often customers rely on the efficiency of the internet and will quickly finder other suppliers if they company use of the internet is not reliable.
Image 1: Non Commercial-Sharealike 2.0 Germany, Web 2.0 Logos-http://www.flickr.com/photos/stabilo-boss/93136022/in/set-72057594060779001/
Image 2:
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